Wednesday, February 3, 2010

98% through a first date in uptown

The line:
Him: "I'm always scared I'm gonna get stabbed in this neighborhood."
Me: "Wow, that's lightweight racist."
Him: "I'm not racist, my wife is Black! I mean..."

What I heard: "I'm afraid of Black people and I totally lied about being single."

Why It's Wack: You must think coded racism is somehow safe. Clearly you missed the memo about uptown gentrification - the only person left who would stab you on 24th and Broadway is on my speed dial. And you'd deserve it for LYING ABOUT HAVING A WIFE.

What I Think You Meant Was: "I think you'll be impressed that I'm stepping out of my comfort zone for you. I'll demonstrate my understanding of common street crimes and also slip up on an important detail about my personal life that I was hoping not to reveal until after I've valiantly protected you from a sword-wielding crazy person."

Next time, try: staying home with your wife. Jerk.

**To be honest, I'm at a complete loss for words about this interaction. I'm surprised this many came out.


  1. The most insulting thing about this whole infuriating debacle is that this "jerk" (not a strong enough word) apparently thinks you might be cool with dating him on the side. Lightweight racist turned heavyweight asshole.

  2. Letting it slip that you have a spouse is one of those things that a friendship/relationship cannot come back from when you have been presenting yourself otherwise. Sort of like poisoning my dog with antifreeze.
